
What can I drink in cold weather?

The weather here in the Bay Area has gotten chilly, the clouds are moving in, and the leaves are dropping fast. I've found several things along the way that I miss, but this is my first Fall on keto. While my family guzzles sugary hot cocoa by the fire, what's a girl to do when the market is out of sugar-free cocoa? I know, I know, I could just drink tea. I love tea. Tea is great. But cocoa... there's something comforting and extra delicious about a hot cocoa when you set out to a school football game, or an evening stroll, or any outdoor event. I wanted to create something equally delicious that satisfied my craving for a warm beverage. I came up with a simple solution - almond milk and sugar free flavoring syrup. Zero net carb warm goodness. Mix up whatever flavors you have on hand, or get creative! If you're feeling like adding a little adult to your beverage, any low carb liquor will do the trick. Remember to use a nutrition tracking app to check your booz

My Keto Journey

Hey! I'm sure if you're reading this you must be someone following or interested in following a Keto lifestyle. Welcome! I'd like to tell you a little about myself. I began my Keto journey in May 2017. At the time, I was extremely overweight, suffering from chronic pain, on a high dose of medication for Lupus, depressed, and just in a very low place in my life. I had gotten to the point where I really didn't care to leave the house, I slept a LOT, and felt like I was always in a bad mood. I knew my family was suffering. I knew I was suffering. People always say you can't help yourself until you're ready, and there had been many times I thought I was ready. In January 2017, I started looking into ways I could lose weight. I've always struggled with my weight, and I've tried a lot of things over the years. I had different ranges of success and failure. In the early 2000s, I used diet pills with ephedrine and managed to lose 45 pounds. I felt great, but